Services Offered and Expertise
Past & Present Clients
- 1. Behavioral Health Planning and Evaluation
- 2. Developing Healthcare Programs for Vulnerable Populations
- 3. Healthcare Entrepreneurship
- 4. Healthcare Financing
- 5. Healthcare Innovation
- 6. Healthcare Intrapreneurship
- 7. Change Management
- 8. Healthcare Future Predictions
- 9. Healthcare Investing Advice
- 10. Healthcare Mergers and Acquisition
- 11. Healthcare Reform Analysis
- 12. Healthcare Venture Funding Acquisition
- 13. Legislative Analysis including Economic Analysis
- 14. Population Health Planning and Evaluation
- 15. Healthcare Reform and Legislative Analysis
- 16. Healthcare Liability and Risk Management

Expertise Offered as Subject Matter Expert to:
- 1. Healthcare Angel and Venture Capital Firms
- 2. Healthcare Attorneys
- 3. Healthcare Professional Meetings as a Paid Speaker
- 4. Healthcare Profit and Nonprofit Boards and Task Forces
- 5. Healthcare Turnaround Leaders
- 6. Legislators and Policy Advocates
- 7. Press and Media to Act as Subject Matter Expert
- 8. Universities in Executive Educational Program Development and Teaching
I also offer the following :
- 1. Market and Knowledge Research Projects for Market Intelligence and Trends
- 2. Training for Healthcare Leaders to become Healthcare Thought Leaders
Past & Present Clients where Strategy Services have been offered
Hospitals and Healthcare Systems
- 1. Bon Secours
- 2. Brazosport Memorial Hospital
- 3. Chambersburg Health System
- 4. Children’s Developmental Center
- 5. Health Management Associates, Inc. (HMA) of Naples, Florida
- 6. MedStar Health
- 7. Mental Health Association of Palm Beach County
- 8. NewYork-Presbyterian /Columbia- University Medical Center
- 9. Orlando Regional Health System
- 10.Prime Health Services
- 11. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- 12. Sentara Healthcare
- 13. St. Joseph Hospital, Tampa, Florida
- 14. Temple
- 15. Tufts Medical Center (Formerly Tufts-New England Medical Center)
- 16. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)
- 17. University of Texas Health System
- 18. Virginia Commonwealth University
- 19. WellSpan Health
Outpatient and Ambulatory Health Clients
- 1. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Healthcare Foundation
- 2. Behavioral Health
- 3. Brink Kiln Behavioral Health Services
- 4. Cann Health Resources
- 5. Connecticut Association of Psychiatric Outpatient Centers
- 6. Gaudenzia
- 7. Portage
- 8. Integrated Behavioral Services, Connecticut
- 9. Mental Health Association of Palm Beach County
- 10. Mental Health Authority of Harris County, Texas
- 11. Recovery with Dignity, Maryland
- 12. Tri-County Community Health Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
- 13. Twelve Oaks Psychiatric
Payors, Managed Care, and Insurance
- 1. Aetna
- 2. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Delaware
- 3. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Maryland
- 4. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of North Carolina
- 5. Care First Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
- 6. CarePlus Health Plans
- 7. Case Mix Group (CMG) Health of Baltimore
- 8. Freedom Health
- 9. Green Spring Health Services
- 10. Harvard Pilgrim
- 11. Healthcare Accident Fund of Maryland
- 12. Hillsborough County Health Plan
- 13. Humana
- 14. MediCal of California
- 15. Physicians Healthcare Plans
- 16. Positive Health of California/Partners
- 17. Simply Healthcare Plans
Governmental Agencies in Healthcare
- 1. American Correctional Association
- 2. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
- 3. Florida State Board of Osteopathic Physicians
- 4. Harris County Mental Health Authority
- 5. Harris County, Texas
- 6. Hillsborough County, Florida
- 7. Immigration Enforcement Services
- 8. National Institutes of Health-Center for Complementary and Alternative Health
- 9. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- 10. United States Department of Head Start
- 11. United States Department of Labor
- 12. United States Public Health Service Corps
Healthcare Providers
- 1. Eli Lilly
- 2. Innovate Healthcare Analytics
- 3. Interim Health
- 4. Palm Health Foundation, Florida
- 5. Pharmacy Services of Home Health Services, Long Island
- 6. Sadiant Health Services
- 7. Revivify-3 Medical Boutique Resort and Spa
- 8. Wellness Coaching
Board of Director Positions
- 1. Medical Safety ION, Las Vegas, NV
- 1. Doctors Care (Independent Providers Organization), St. Petersburg, Florida
- 2. Endoscopy Physicians (42 Group Practices)
- 3. Hospitalist Groups
- 4. IPC Healthcare
- 5. McKesson Health Solutions
- 6. Palm Medical Centers, Miami, Florida
- 7. Physician Groups
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